Unbeatable combination, of standards compliancy, dynamic content, and great design.
Database driven portal listing links pertaining
to Platteville and surrounding communities. Links can be reviewed and voted
on and hits are dynamically counted. Great way to advertise your new website!
Blog - powered by Wordpress -, designed with CSS, XHTML, MySQL, javascript, and PHP.
"Thanks for all your hard work. You completed this very quickly and I am so pleased with your work and how well it all turned out."
-Becky Heim, Former Manager Grant County Family Center
"I highly recommend the services of Cory Condiff at Electric Gondola. Cory has been our webmaster since the inception of the Main Street Program's web page. He has made creative changes to the page and is always prompt in replying to required updates. Cory is easy to work with and responsive to suggestions and change. As a novice to web pages, he has made my life much easier!"
-Cheryl Zmina, Program Manager Platteville Main Street